World Vision to construct K275 million health post in Chitipa

World Vision to construct K275 million health post in Chitipa Featured

By Andrew Gondwe  


Chitipa, May 21, Mana: World Vision Malawi (WVM), with funding from World Vision UK, intends to   construct a K275 million health post at Kamilamphande in the area in Senior Chief Mwenewenya in Chitipa District.


Programmes Manager for WVM responsible for Karonga and Chitipa districts, Hendrix Kalanje, disclosed this on Monday when he briefed members of Chitipa District Executive Committee on the project.


He said WVM has decided to construct the health post after noting that people from Kamilamphande area cover long distance of an average of 15 kilometres to access health services at Wenya Health Centre.


"The health post will greatly serve children, expectant and lactating mothers at their doorsteps, thereby promoting good health service delivery for people’s well-being in the area," said Kalanje.


He then appealed to Chitipa District Council to provide technical support and help in monitoring construction works of the project.


“It is our expectation that the council will deploy health personnel to the facility upon completion,” added Kalanje.


The Acting Director of Health and Social Services (DHSS) for Chitipa District Council, Dr. George Kasondo, thanked WVM for the initiative which he said will serve a population of over 5,000 in one of the remotest areas in the district.


“According to Health Sector Strategic Plan, people are not supposed to travel long distances for them to access quality health services, hence we commend you for this," said Kasondo.


He then assured WVM that the council will deploy health workers as soon as the facility is completed, in addition to the disease control surveillance assistants who are already on the ground.

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