

By Martha Simchimba

Lilongwe, September 7, Mana: People of Senior Chief Kalolo in Lilongwe district have expressed excitement over the timely donation of relief items by the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (Dodma).

 Dodma donated to 30 households whose houses and property were destroyed due to chieftaincy wrangles between the people of Masula and Mvuto villages in Lilongwe district.

Speaking on Friday at Chalimba primary school ground during the distribution exercise, an 80-year-old man Selemani Sikelo from Masula village said he had nothing at home, as everything got burnt.

“I am thankful to the government for this timely donation, as I will be able to live a normal life again,” he said.

The Disaster Risk Management Officer for Lilongwe district, Anganire Kalonga said it is their duty to oversee and support people whenever they face any disaster.

"As a department, we are geared to offer our support whenever people in the district have encountered any form of disaster and we are expecting the beneficiaries to use the relief items for the intended purpose,” she said.

The relief items distributed include bags of maize, cooking pots, blankets, wooden sticks, plates, roles of plastic sheets to be used for roofing their houses and plastic buckets.

By George Bulombola

Mzuzu, September 7, Mana: Mzuzu Agriculture Development Division (MZADD) is expected to administer rabies vaccination to 9,000 pets, which include dogs and cats in Mzuzu City during the current mass sensitization and vaccination campaign.

In an interview Thursday alongside the ongoing Rabies vaccination campaign within the ADD, Chief Animal Health and Livestock Development Officer for Mzuzu ADD, Dr. Michael Luwe, said rabies vaccination campaigns are conducted annually in countries including Malawi where Rabies disease is common.

He added that rabies disease is deadly but a highly preventable disease that poses a significant threat to the public in areas where vaccination coverage is low.

“Globally, Rabies kill one person every nine minutes hence I advise all people who own pets either dogs or cats to ensure that their pets get the vaccine,” said Luwe.

 “So, it advisable that people should have their pets vaccinated and avoid interacting with suspected dogs,” added Luwe.

He then commended Community Health Coalition (Florida-USA) for supporting the initiative in the city with its associated logistics and vaccines.

 “Similar efforts are being made in other areas under MZADD with support from government and other partners,” he said.

One of the people who took her dogs to a Rabies vaccination site within the city, Jean Kaunda commended MZADD for conducting the campaign saying if not careful rabies can be a public health concern.

“I am also pleased with the initiative which includes Rabies awareness messages. People should know why they have to vaccinate their pets thereafter they will be seeking such services hence the success of the campaign,” said Kaunda.

Saturday, 07 September 2024 16:45

Chakwera arrives from China-Africa Summit

By Arnold Namanja

Blantyre, September 7, Mana: President Dr. Lazarus Chakwera on Saturday arrived in the country from the Forum on China-Africa Cooperation Summit, which was held in Beijing, China.

The aircraft carrying President Chakwera and the First Lady, Madame Monica Chakwera, touched down at exactly 2:55pm.

The first couple were welcomed on arrival at Chileka International Airport in Blantyre by different senior government officials, traditional leaders as well as political leaders.

Some of the notable people who welcomed Chakwera at the airport included Vice President, Dr.  Michael Usi; Deputy Secretary to the President and Cabinet, Janet Banda; Army Commander, Major Velentino Phiri; Inspector General of Police, Marylene Yolamu and Minister of Education, Madalitso Kambauwa Wirima.

Speaking to the media, Chakwera said the tour to China was successful because he had an opportunity to negotiate a number of trade deals with the host country as well as other countries, which participated in the summit.

Chakwera disclosed that some of the benefits of the working tour to China, which has been very crucial partner to Malawi's development programme, include signing of a US$200 million construction of a judicial complex in Lilongwe and reduction of export duty on agricultural produce.

"It is quite pleasing that we have successfully struck two major deals; one of which is the grant for the construction of a court complex at City Centre, Lilongwe and that most of the crop produce from Malawi be exempted from export duty.

"Farmers will now have a readily available market for their produce in China which is a very significant milestone for the Malawi 2063 whose pillars are agriculture, tourism and manufacturing," he said.

Meanwhile, Chakwera is scheduled to fulfil a number of engagements while in the southern region such as inspection of some development projects in Nsanje and Chikwawa districts.

By Wellington Sibale

Neno, September 7, Mana: Member of Parliament (MP) for Neno North Constituency, Thoko Tembo has launched a K3 million worthy climate resilience initiative in his constituency, which will see 150 farmers using drip irrigation technology to improve agricultural production in the area.

On Friday, Tembo partnered with an organization, Circle of Umoji to donate drip irrigation kits, seeds and pesticides to 150 farmers in the northern part of Neno.

Speaking after the launch, the legislator highlighted the importance of the partnership in addressing food insecurity in the district as a result of the effects of climate change, adding that the launch of the K3 million initiatives was ideal as it will empower women and the youth through sustainable agricultural practices.

“We aim to reach as many farmers as possible. Climate change is increasingly affecting our traditional farming methods and irrigation farming is one of the viable solutions,” Tembo said.

He expressed his commitment to continue supporting local farmers particularly women and youth to improve their capacity of supplying both local and broader markets.

“I am eager to ensure that women and youth farmers in Neno are given the support they need. We want to see them achieving bumper harvests and supplying markets in Neno and beyond,” the MP added.

One of the beneficiaries, Mayamiko Simphani of Muonekera Club praised Tembo for the timely intervention stating that the donation of irrigation kits will significantly improve food production.

“This support is something we have long waiting for. We have received drip irrigation kits and seed items we could not afford on our own. With this, we are ready to move forward,” Simphani said, adding that irrigation farming is the key solution to deal with the effects of climate change,”

Circle of Umoji, a women and youth empowerment initiative in Neno focuses on promoting sustainable agricultural practices among marginalized groups.

The organization provides climate-smart agriculture training, inputs and innovations to help farmers improve yields, increase incomes and enhance resilience to climate change.

Umoji also offer inputs and extension services to encourage cultivation of high-value, nutritious horticulture crops.

Saturday, 07 September 2024 11:03

NAS to boost national development-MACRA

By Yamikani Yapuwa

Thyolo, September 7, Mana:  Malawi Communications Regulatory Authority (MACRA) said the National Addressing System (NAS) is a transformative initiative, which will greatly improve service delivery through standardized physical addressing across the country.

MACRA’s Director of Postal Services and E-Commerce Kondwani Kachika said this on Friday during full council meeting in Thyolo adding that the NAS project will boost national development.

“The National Addressing System is a comprehensive system that will facilitate better planning, enhance business operations, and improve access to government services,” said Kachika.

He added that NAS will play a critical role in the socio-economic development of communities by providing a reliable addressing framework that will improve health service delivery, utility management and facilitate navigation for both residents and visitors.

Thyolo District Commissioner, Hudson Kuphanga welcomed the initiative, noting that NAS will significantly improve the district services delivery.

“With the National Addressing System, we can now address many of the challenges especially in identifying precise locations for service delivery.

“This is a major step forward in modernizing our district and ensuring that all residents can be easily located for any services they may need,” said Kuphanga.

He appealed MACRA to consider recruiting work force within Thyolo when implementing NAS.

 “It’s crucial to involve people who are familiar with the area, understand the terrains and know where people reside.

“This local knowledge will ensure the addressing system is accurate and effective, leading to better outcomes,” added Kuphanga.

Thyolo District Council Chairperson, Councilor Petro Charles Bowman hailed MACRA for spearheading the project, stating that this demonstrates that Malawi is moving forward.

 “The introduction of the National Addressing System is a clear sign that we are progressing. Apart from modernizing our infrastructure, this initiative will also enhance service delivery for all Malawians,” the council chairperson added.

Bowman therefore assured MACRA of the council’s full support and emphasized the importance of community involvement in protecting the resources that will be used in the project.

“Local leaders will work together to ensure that people in the villages refrain from vandalizing MACRA’s resources used in the addressing system. We all have a role to play in safeguarding this vital infrastructure,” he added.

MACRA has already introduced NAS in other district in the southern region such as Mulanje, Machinga and Neno.

By Emily M'mangisa

Zomba, September 7, Mana:  Equipping Pastors Worldwide (EPW) has trained 87 pastors drawn from various churches to understand the Bible and preach the gospel of salvation without fear or favour.

EPW, Head of Trainings, Dave Holdt said on Friday at Reformed Presbyterian Church Theological College in Zomba where the faith based ministry trained the pastors, that some pastors did not go through theological schools to understand the word hence the training.

He further called on the newly trained pastor to proclaim the living word in their respective churches and communities but cautioned those in Malawi to stay away from political especially as Malawi heads to general elections.

“Go and proclaim living word, as men of God we preach Jesus Christ as the only way to salvation. Don't be afraid to say that even louder," Holdt told the trained pastors, adding that time has come for the flock of God to know reality and make decisions without any influence.

Some of the trained pastors are from; Baptists Convention, Ethiopian, Church of Christ, Holy Ghost and Evangelism, (HOGEM) Assemblies of God, Living Waters, Samaritan Church. Zambezi Evangelical Church and Church of Central African Presbyterian (CCAP).

Holdt who is also narrator of audiobooks underscored the need for pastors that preach the gospel to fully understand the Bible, observing that some pastors use the Bible without deeply understanding the divinity in it.

EPW, Coordinator for East and Southern Africa, Dr. Joster Jumbe also said of the need for the pastor to understand the bible in its fullest context, adding that some of them read the Bible as a collection of stories without understanding what the Bible says.

He also called on fellow pastors to avoid manipulating folks into following political beliefs against their will.

During the five days training, participants were taken through 19 sessions that discussed topics such as: What is the Bible, How to understand the passage, Teach the Bible, What we are and what we practice and Preach the word.   

One of the participants, Steven Josee of Mozambique’s Zambezi Evangelical Church said time has come for pastors to understand the Bible fully and its contents.

“We preach yes, but this training is an eye opener. I can now relate stories in the Bible, teachings of God and reality on the ground,” he added and urged Malawian counterparts to exercise caution when ministering during elections.

At the end of the five days training, each of the 87participants received a certificates and a bible and among them, one participant was from Mozambique, two from Zimbabwe.

EPW is an international provider of quality training for pastors who would like to be faithful in serving the Lord, Jesus Christ but are lacking the training and resources to minster.

By Fostina Mkandawire

Salima, September 6, Mana: National Initiative for Civic Education (NICE) has equipped female political aspirants with political leadership skills to boost their confidence ahead of the 2025 general elections.

Speaking on Thursday during a three-day training called “Campaign School Training” organized by NICE together with the Centre for Civil Society Strengthening (CCSS), District Civic Education Officer, Queen Mataya highlighted that the training is aimed at sharpening the female aspirant's political skills.

Mataya said their goal is to see female political aspirants succeeding in the 2025 general elections through their training and enable them to have better chances of overcoming difficulties they will encounter within the country's political landscape.

"The training will strengthen aspirants whether they are beginning their career, or are more experienced and looking to sharpen their skills or generally interested in learning more about political participation and leadership," she said.

She said young women leaders have been excluded from key political and decision-making spaces and the situation can be attributed to challenges they face.

"Women face many limitations within political parties and communities to attain positions and to be voted for during elections. In Salima, there is zero presentation of a female Member of Parliament (MP), we want to change this anomaly by encouraging women to contest as MP's," she said.

Programmes Officer at CCSS, Mercy Chikadza said female aspirants need to be supported for them to build the much-needed confidence.

Chikadza underscored the importance of collaboration between Civil Society Organizations to rally behind women as one way of ending some of the gaps that are hindering women to go for positions of power.

"We established that financial challenges continue to hinder women from contesting for political positions. The training will equip women with public speaking and campaign development skills and further for them to do a needs assessment in their communities,” she said.

Member of Parliament aspirant for Salima South Constituency, Alice Kumanda said the training is timely as she is geared to put up a fierce fight against male contenders in her constituency.

She encouraged other women to be bold enough and contest in upcoming elections saying anything is possible, so long as there is focus and resilience.

35 female aspirants have shown interest in Salima district to contest in the 2025 elections and seven out of the 35 will contest as Members of Parliament while the rest as Ward Councilors.

By Lommah Jelome

Mzimba, September 6, MANA: Mzimba South District Social Welfare Officer (DSWO) Bernard Nangwale has revealed that the majority of men in Mzimba do not participate in Early Childhood Development activities.

Nangwale made the sentiments in Mzimba when Malawi Broadcasting Corporation (MBC) through the Development Broadcasting Unit unveiled a project aimed at intensifying an awareness campaign on Early child childhood development (ECD).

He said that culturally, most men in Mzimba think that responsibility of sending a child to Community Based Care Centre (CBCC) lies on women.

"We want fathers also to take big responsibility in establishing CBCCs and sending their under-five children to access early child development," Nangwale said.

Nangwale added that early childhood education is further hindered by the massive migration of men to South Africa where they seek greener pastures.

"Most ECDs do not have male teachers. The majority of men are in South Africa as such we work mostly with females but we need those available in villages to take part in our interventions," he said.

Program Manager for Development Broadcasting Unit (DBU) at MBC Joshua Chirwa said the project will be executed through the production of radio and television programs that will focus on issues affecting the delivery of ECD services.

The project is set to be implemented in Mzimba, Nkhotakotakota and Balaka districts.

Chirwa said the audience will be reached through MBC radios, MBC TV 1 and 2 as well Mibawa TV.

He also revealed that programs will also reach every corner of the catchment areas as they have partnered with Mzimba and Nkhotakota community radios.

"For instance, we are going to conduct talk shows and panel discussions in our program which will among others feature topics on the roles of men in addressing health issues affecting under five children and participation in ECD," he said.

Overseer of the project, Nellie Masamba said the project is going to run from September 2024 to January next year.

She said the project will also involve advocacy on the need to construct CBCCs that are durable and provide physical security to the young learners.


UNICEF is funding the project to the tune of 107 million Kwacha in the three districts. In Mzimba, the project is expected to be implemented in two Traditional Authorities which M'mbelwa District Council will soon identify.

By George Bulombola

Mzuzu, September 6, Mana: Disaster Risk Management Officer for Mzuzu City Council, Precious Mandala Friday said about 56,000 people are expected to be targeted for the 2024/25 food insecurity response.

Mandala made the remarks in Mzuzu during an orientation of Mzuzu City Disaster Risk Management Committee and local structures at the ward level on beneficiary targeting and registration ahead of the food insecurity response which is expected to run from January to March 2025.

He said the council thought it wise to embark on timely preparation to reduce challenges that can be encountered during the exercise.

“Last year, the implementation of the response faced some challenges because we did not have enough time to prepare before rolling out the activity. With this approach, we hope challenges will be minimized,” said Mandala.

He said the training will help members to easily identify deserving beneficiaries since authorities have been equipped with parameters for one to benefit from the programme.

“We are however hopeful that in future council will have its own Universal Beneficiary Registry which would be used for various social support services,” he said.

Deputy Director for Disaster Response in the Department of Disaster Management Affairs (DoDMA), Fyawupi Mwafongo said he expects the targeting process to be conducted in line with humanitarian aspects and parameters,

Chairperson for Mzuzu City Council Disaster Risk Management Committee, Evance Mwale commended DoDMA for organizing the orientation session which he said also covered areas of beneficiary verification, relief food distribution planning, management, grievance redress mechanisms and reporting.

By Beni Bamusi


Thyolo, September 6, Mana: Women Rights Institute (WORI) has called on all stakeholders in Thyolo to raise awareness on issues to do with Sexual Reproductive Health Rights (SRHR) among Adolescent Girls and Young Women (AGYW) in Traditional Authority Bvumbwe who are facing challenges in accessing sexual reproductive health services.


WORI Executive Director, Bertha Mfune made the call this week during a project orientation which took place at Thyolo District Council.


Mfune said AGYW are facing challenges in accessing services regarding Sexual Reproductive Health services, saying cultural, legal and structural barriers in health facilities prevent them from making informed decisions and choices.


“We are therefore calling on the media, and all the stakeholders to amplify change and advocate for reproductive health rights so that adolescent girls and young women can understand their rights,

“Some girls opt for unsafe abortion which brings complications if not well treated. This project will tackle pressing issues affecting their well-being,” she said. 


She added the understanding will help AGYW to avoid early pregnancies and post-abortion complications which come as a result of unsafe abortion which most of the girls resort to when they are pregnant.


Thyolo District, Youth Friendly Service Coordinator, Steve Dimba acknowledged that some AGYW are not aware of their SRHR services, saying there is a need to put deliberate interventions to raise awareness on where they can access the services. 


He expressed hope that WORI project will provide a room where girls will learn their rights, thereby reducing the chances of unwanted pregnancies and child marriages. 


Mwai Women Group Chairperson, Flone  Magombo said the initiative has come at the right time in Bvumbwe where AGYW are failing to access services at a health facility due to an unconducive environment that doesn’t guarantee privacy.


“Bvumbwe being a trading centre, girls are easily influenced by peers and situations to engage in prostitution which puts them at risk of early pregnancies. We anticipate that the project will bring positive change to girls in the area,” said Magombo.


WORI is implementing an SRHR project among the AGYW in Thyolo.