Latest News
NGO urge communities to plant trees in graveyards
By Emily M'mangisa Zomba, January 25, Mana: Community Energy Malawi, a non-governmental organization promoting use of solar technologies has appealed…
CISONECC warns against environmental damage
By Charlie Ligomeka Machinga, January 22, Mana: The Civil Society Network on Climate Change (CISONECC) has warned people in Machinga…
Nkhata Bay DESC urged to promptly resolve wage claim cases
By Chisomo Kmabandanga Nkhata Bay, January, 18, Mana: Training Officer for the National Local Government Finance Committee (NLGFC) Louis Sichali…
DoDMA to disburse K730 million to hunger-stricken households in Nkhata Bay
By Chisomo Kambandanga Nkhata Bay, January 21, Mana: Director of Disaster Preparedness in the Department of Disaster Management Affairs' (DoDMA),…
Communities in Nsanje upbeat with Zurich Project
By Robert Nayeja Nsanje, January 14, Mana: Communities in Nsanje have expressed hope with the Zurich Project being implemented by…
Popular News
By Wanangwa Tembo Kasungu, February 5, Mana: District Forestry Officer…
By Emily M'mangisa Zomba, January 25, Mana: Community Energy Malawi,…
By Linda Likomwa Phalombe, January 25, Mana: Phalombe District Council…
By Chisomo Kmabandanga Nkhata Bay, January, 18, Mana: Training Officer…
Flying Girls Malawi to launch My Tree My Shed
By Mtisunge Gwedeza Blantyre, January 10, Mana: A local girl's organization in Blantyre under the banner of Flying Girls Malawi…
Ripple Africa pumps in K3 billion for tree seedlings in Mzimba
By Alexander Tchongwe Mzimba, January 9, Mana: Country Director for Ripple Africa, Force Ngwira, has said that his organization plans…
FARMSE and OIM launch Tree planting at Nsinja.
By Pickson Chipeso Lilongwe, December 23 Mana; Farming Access for Rural Markets Smallholders and Enterprises (FARMSE), in conjunction with Opportunity…
Regional Climate Resilience Program (RCRP 2) crucial for building climate resilience communities
By Paul Madise Lilongwe, January 13, Mana: Minister of Local Government, Unity and Culture Richard Chimwendo is on January 14th…
NGO intensifies environmental conservation campaign
By Tisunge Mlenga Chiradzulu, December 17, Mana: Energetizing Development Malawi (Endev MW), a non-governmental organization working to promote clean energy…