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MP donates relief items to victims of stormy rains

MP donates relief items to victims of stormy rains

By Lekereni Chinkhota

Salima, February 12, MANA: Communities in the area of Senior Chief Khombedza, who were hit by stormy rains on February 6, are in celebratory mood after Member of Parliament for Salima North West constituency, Enock Phale, donated assorted items as part of relief to them.

Speaking after hand-over of the relief items at Katitima Primary School over the weekend, Phale underscored the importance of various entities to join hands in assisting those affected by stormy rains, with the little they can afford.

“After receiving a communication that households have been affected by the stormy rains, I quickly rushed here with council members responsible for disaster management to conduct a quick assessment and we recorded about 40 houses that were damaged together with two classroom blocks and two teacher’s houses at Katitima.

“Generally, once assessment is done by disaster management team, a report is produced for proper intervention. But I thought that before the report comes I should provide a little bit of small relief. Therefore, I and my family decided to go and cheer those affected and give them a little something that will help them even it means it’s only for few days,” he said.

Showing gratitude to Phale’s gesture, Disaster Risk Management Officer for Salima, Gloria Chinangwa, said her department alone cannot manage to assist affected households therefore collaborative efforts are what is needed.

“We are thankful to what Honourable Phale has done to help these people. I also urge anyone with the same kind heart to bring anything of help to our offices so that we should reach out to as many people affected by various disasters,” she said.

One of the beneficiaries, Enelesi Chilalo of Matumba Village, appreciated the items she has received, citing that most people lost their basic needs during the disaster.

“We have been heavily hit by the stormy rains that affected our houses and everything in them. But today we are happy for our MP brought these relief items that will help us for some days as we are getting back on our feet. I am also grateful because he has given a blanket to my child who got injured when a wall collapsed on him,” she said.

Meanwhile, Phale has assured the affected people that he will continue paying them visits and find other partners who can also help them. He promised to use the Constituency Development Fund (CDF) to rehabilitate the damaged school infrastructures at Katitima, Kamphedza and Nnema.

Among the relief items donated, there was maize flour, cooking oil, salt, sugar and soya pieces.

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